vs. The Perishers

I have a non-stop stream of music that I use for my own purposes. For fun, I’ve made it available to the world to listen to. A few people do which is nice. This stream is all done using WinAmp and their Shoutcast plugin. is a website that tracks all of the songs you’ve played. You install their little plugin into your WinAmp and it starts tracking all of the songs and artists you’ve listened to. The best part is that you can export that data into some charts to see which artists you listen to the most. For example, here is the chart of the most-played artists in my WinAmp world:


Who knew I played so much Arctic Monkeys. And The Perishers? I couldn’t tell you a song by them to save my life but I bet I could somehow sing along to the whole album based on how many times that band has been played.

You can also get a list of all the tracks played since I got my account going in early 2006. Below is that chart:


More of The Perishers in here. So that’s totally an album I know the songs too. I must since I’ve heard it so often. If you were to ask me what they sound like, I have no clue.

Here is a picture of The Perishers. They are Swedish. Good for them.

The Perishers

1 comment

    • tystl on 2007/03/18 at 00:39
    • Reply

    Export data? How do you do that? I’ve been looking for that functionality in but couldn’t find it.

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